Inclusive Engagement

Information about inclusion and engagement of particularly vulnerable or marginalised groups of our community.

What is this toolkit?

This toolkit was developed to support the inclusion and engagement of particularly vulnerable or marginalised groups of our community. Engagement is about communicating and interacting with people and involving them in planning and decision making.

Being inclusive is about finding, offering and supporting opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to participate, to learn, to contribute and to belong.

Inclusive Engagement Toolkit

An Introduction to Inclusive Care
We have pulled information from the Aged Care Diversity Framework and combined best practice examples
and tips to help you get started on your journey in providing inclusive care.
Inclusive Communication

Providing inclusive care allows current aged care services to be more diverse and inclusive for everyone.

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive leaders are respectful and treat people fairly, they value the uniqueness individuals have and leverage the thinking of diverse groups.

Connecting during the time of social distancing

The impacts of COVID-19 and social isolation on older people has had detrimental effects on the quality of life and premature mortality. Socialising has effects on our risk for illness and death along with our overall health and wellbeing.

Working with Interpreters

Professional interpreters are bound by the ethical and professional standards of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.


Fact Sheets


(Culturally and Linguistically Diverse)

first nations

Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander


Diverse Older People

Watch Inclusive Engagement Toolkit videos

Topic 1 | An Introduction to Inclusive Care

We have pulled information from the Aged Care Diversity Framework and combined best practice examples
and tips to help you get started on your journey in providing inclusive care.

Topic 2 | Inclusive Communication

Providing inclusive care allows current aged care services to be more diverse and inclusive for everyone.

Topic 3 | Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive leaders are respectful and treat people fairly, they value the uniqueness individuals have and leverage the thinking of diverse groups.

Topic 4 | Connecting during the time of social distancing

The impacts of COVID-19 and social isolation on older people has had detrimental effects on the quality of life and premature mortality. Socialising has effects on our risk for illness and death along with our overall health and wellbeing.

Topic 5 | Working with Interpreters

Professional interpreters are bound by the ethical and professional standards of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.