Management of Public Intoxication Program (MPIP)
The MPIP program is an assertive outreach program funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors and is designed to offer assertive outreach to those who are intoxicated in public places and/or homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Eligibility to the program is based on some degree of frequency in the client’s levels of public intoxication and/or substance abuse, regular intersection with law enforcement and/or other statutory agencies and a variety of other complex psychosocial and accommodation related issues. Presentation of these main criteria form the basis of access to MPIP and funded services.
Contact us to learn more about the programWho can this program support?
– Individuals who have substance abuse and/or alcohol related issues.
– Individuals who have experienced trauma and/or have a variety of medical, chronic disease and/or psychosocial diagnoses and barriers.
– Individuals at risk of homelessness and/or requiring accommodation supports.
– Individuals requiring assistance to reintegrate to community following periods of incarceration, including post-prison release, probation and parole supports.
– Individuals who experience difficulty entering the workforce and/or engaging with jobactive and Centrelink.
Targeted individuals
Intervention clients
Intensive intervention assists those that are frequent users of substances in public places and/or homeless or at risk of homelessness and a return to public spaces, those suffering from non-stabilised mental health conditions, those who have acquired brain injuries, those who are chronically ill, and those who have very low vocational, educational and social skills.
Diversionary clients
These clients are less frequent users of substances and/or homeless or at risk of homelessness. The majority of these diversionary clients will be referred from Queensland Health, Department of Corrective Services, Centrelink and other service providers.
Aftercare clients
These clients still suffer from substance abuse problems and frequent public spaces though they have previously been housed and referred to other service providers. Aftercare clients almost exclusively require remedial supports.
Partner and provider organisations
The MPIP is designed to operate as a case management, first contact program assisting homeless persons who are at risk and intoxicated in public spaces.
Using the evidence-based practice under three broad areas of practice of case management, health supports and assertive outreach, we are seeking partner and provider organisations to assist in the delivery of supports and services.
Enquire for more information