Help someone experiencing homelessness

This Christmas, we need your help to support women and young people experiencing homelessness.

Women can become homeless for any number of reasons, including housing affordability or those fleeing domestic violence. While, for many, Christmas is a time to enjoy with family and loved ones, for others, the extra time spent with an abusive partner or added financial pressures can trigger events that lead to them becoming homeless.

Currently, there are almost 10,000 homeless women in Queensland. Additionally, Queensland’s homeless statistics show that 35% of homeless Queenslanders are under the age of 25, just like one of our previous clients, Cherice.

Show your support

She is caring, educated, giving, employed.

She was homeless.

Cherice’s story

When Cherice was 16, she was forced out of her home and had to move in with her other parent. Soon after, that parent was incarcerated. In that moment, she was left without support and trying to juggle her education and work. At the time, Cherice was working two jobs and was still unable to afford rent.

“It was very daunting. I remember feeling scared and unsure. I felt like my choices were taken away from me.” Cherice said.

She connected with Anglicare Southern Queensland’s homelessness services where she was provided emergency accommodation. She was given 24-hour access to youth workers who provided her with practical skills and emotional support.

“At times I didn’t know whether I’d get through it. But, with some help from the team at Anglicare, I just kept putting one foot in front of the other… I didn’t feel like another statistic, I felt like an actual person.”

Through the help of Anglicare Southern Queensland’s services, Cherice completed her schooling and eventually transitioned into independent accommodation.

Nine years on, Cherice is a Surgical Nurse in one of Brisbane’s largest hospitals, helping others in need. She and her dog, Sophie, will be spending Christmas this year in their own apartment.

See the person, change the situation.

Support women like Cherice

At times, I didn’t know whether I’d get through it. But, with some help from the team at Anglicare, I just kept putting one foot in front of the other… I didn’t feel like another statistic, I felt like an actual person.

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We’re by your side

When it comes to supporting the needs of women and young people experiencing homelessness, it’s about more than just providing them a bed to sleep in. Often, it’s about providing counselling and support to overcome trauma.

Our services provide clients with the tools to deal with times of crisis, and supports their talents, interests and choices to set them up for a successful future.

By donating to Anglicare Southern Queensland’s homelessness support services, you can provide more support and accommodation for those in need. For many women, that’s all they are wishing for this Christmas.

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