We believe in justice.

The Justice Unit is an activity of the Anglican Community Services Commission (CSC), which supports the Social Responsibilities Committee in advancing advocacy on justice issues within and external to the Diocese.

Why is there a Justice Unit?

The authority of the CSC for this activity comes from the Marks of Mission of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, which include the commitments “to seek to transform the unjust structures of society” and “safeguard the integrity of creation.”

How does the Justice Unit work?

The Justice Unit provides coordination, secretariat and communications support for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland Social Responsibilities Committee (SRC).

We also collaborate with a number of other groups and networks, including Angligreen, the diocesan Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) , Anglicare’s advocacy unit, the Brisbane Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support Network (BRASS), the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, Stop the Traffik, Balanced Justice and more.

Where can I get more information about the Justice Unit’s activities?

You can visit our Doing Justice website, join us on Facebook, or chat to us using the contact box below or by calling (07) 3838 7556.

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Justice Unit?

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