18 May

Appreciation to our volunteers

Happy National Volunteer Week to all our valued volunteers. During this global pandemic, it is more important than ever to recognise and acknowledge the amazing contribution our volunteers make to better the lives of our clients and their families.

As a thank you, our corporate office team sent a special gift to all our 595 volunteers including a personalised Certificate of Appreciation and an Anglicare Southern Queensland branded lunch cooler bag.

Our volunteers enable our services to go further and directly contribute to the wellbeing and happiness of the people in our community. We spoke to three very special volunteers to find out why they love volunteering:

Charish volunteers with Anglicare Southern Queensland in the Human Resources department and has been volunteering for three months. “I love volunteering because it makes me feel part of a community and gives me the opportunity to make a difference. Working at Anglicare is fun. People are very friendly and the culture is great.”

Charish is currently completing her studies so finds volunteering a great way to increase her skills and experience working. “This volunteer work will enable me to gain confidence and develop the necessary skills and experience for my future HR career.”

Tamara has been volunteering in Anglicare Southern Queensland’s corporate office for four months. She experiences real fulfilment being able to give back to the community, “I love being able to help support people doing essential work in the community. It’s great to be able to assist in the delivery of services to various groups of people and I am always made to feel welcome and appreciated by the Anglicare Southern Queensland staff.”

Heena has been volunteering in Anglicare Southern Queensland’s Human Resources Team for 10 months and has found it an invaluable experience, while working and gaining real life experience working in the industry. “Volunteering gave me an opportunity to serve the vulnerable, giving back to the community and making a difference in people’s lives who need the most. Alongside gradually expanding my skills, knowledge and giving me on the job experience, while undertaking further education. It was truly a great experience for me new to volunteering!”

Thank you to all of our volunteers – each and every one of you make a real and worthwhile difference to the lives of people within our community.