23 Apr

Celebrating Foster and Kinship Carer Week

Anglicare Southern Queensland celebrates our foster and kinship carers this week during Foster and Kinship Carer week (22-28 April 2018).

Anglicare have over 25 years’ experience in supporting people who want to provide children in care with the lives they deserve. In 2016/17 we provided 317,938 nights of care for children across Southern Queensland and supported young people through our foster and kinship care and intensive care programs.

This week Anglicare are recognising the hard work and contribution of our foster and kinship carers with a series of events across our service centres, including high teas, breakfasts and a trip to the cinema.

We want to take this opportunity to say ‘Thank you’ to our amazing team of carers who are dedicated to improving the lives of young people in the community.

Child Safety Minister Di Farmer has applauded foster and kinship carers for the stability, love and safety they provide to children and young people in out-of-home care.

“They open their hearts and homes to children who can’t live safely with their own families, and work tirelessly to create a bright future for each of these children,” she says.

“This week is all about saying thank you for the work you do every day to make sure Queensland’s foster kids have the same opportunities as all children in our state.”

To find out more about being a foster or kinship carer, visit anglicaresq.org.au/foster today.