23 May

Filling An Empty Nest With Love Again

Anglicare Southern Queensland foster carer Joyce Twigge says when her adult children moved out, the house felt empty – so she filled it again with kids in need.

“We had empty-nest syndrome and I thought: ‘We’re way too young for this’. So I made a phone call one day to find out what was involved in foster caring,” Joyce says.

The couple contacted our fostering agency and within days our highly experienced staff were guiding the couple through their pre-training sessions.
Joyce, 48, and husband Matt, 52, have taken in children of every age from babies to teenagers.

Joyce believes the most important thing they can give the children is safety and unconditional love. “We’ve got a lot of love,’’ she says.
“It’s beautiful to know that, for whatever time you have them – a week, a month or a year – that you can make a difference.

“We’ve had a couple of children who have reunified with their families. The children came such a long way in the time frame. They’re really joyous outcomes.”

Matt believes more people would consider foster caring if they understood the options available. Carers can choose long-term, short-term, emergency care, or just respite care – which can be for as little as one weekend a month – and gives the child’s primary care a break.

We are desperately seeking carers willing to accept children in a wide range of age groups and even sibling groups.

Queensland Child Safety Minister Shannon Fentiman recently met carers when she launched a major campaign to recruit much needed foster carers across the state.

“The campaign is all about encouraging more wonderful people like these foster carers we have met through the campaign to open their hearts and homes to provide love and support for kids in care,’’ Ms Fentiman said.

“Their stories are incredibly moving and highlight the dedication and commitment of our foster carers.’’

If you are considering becoming a foster carer like the Twigges we would love to hear from you and help to guide you through the process, and provide ongoing support.

For more information on becoming a carer call our friendly team on 1300 610 610 or visit our Foster Care page.