Living Well Update: August 2022
Following changes to government funding arrangements, support for male survivors of sexual assault/abuse in Queensland will transition to a new service provider in July 2022.
Anglicare Southern Queensland has been providing support to male survivors of sexual assault/abuse through the through the Living Well program for a number of years.
From 1 July 2022, services and specialist supports for victims of crime and survivors of sexual assault throughout Queensland will be provided by Save the Children and VictimConnect.
Both Anglicare SQ and the new providers are committed to working together over the coming months to ensure our clients continue to receive support before and after 1 July.
Contact VictimConnect
Contact VictimConnect website.
Call 1300 318 940
Free interpreting service
Call 13 14 50
Hearing impaired assistance
TTY users phone: 13 36 77 (no additional call charges apply)
Speak and listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone: 1300 555 727
Internet relay users connect to the National Relay Service.
For more information please visit our dedicated Living Well website.