Leo began sleeping rough at just 14 years old. He came from a good family with everything a child should have. But, he was battling an inner turmoil that caused a rift between him and his family, and was destroying his life.
When Leo first came to Anglicare, he was still just a child, alone on the streets, scared and needing help.
Donate nowRecent data shows that nearly a quarter of Australians experiencing homelessness are aged between 12 and 24. Anglicare Southern Queensland’s new Youth Homelessness Project aims to address the escalating housing crisis.
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As the number of young people in Queensland facing homelessness rises, there isn’t enough accommodation to keep them off the streets. And what is available, doesn’t offer the wrap around support and connection to services these young people need to achieve long-term housing outcomes and make sustainable life choices for a fulfilling future.
Your kindness now can give young people, like Leo, a safe place to stay and help them to rebuild their lives.
Donate now“Even in my worst state and worst moment, I knew I needed to get to Anglicare, because they gave me a glimmer of hope. They’d ask me, ‘Where are you staying?’ , or ‘What are you doing?’ There was always a smile for me.”
Leo – Anglicare Youth Homelessness Client
Donate nowAnglicare’s $13 million Youth Homelessness Project will be a modern build that is custom designed to support young people (aged 16-25) who are either experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness.
In addition to accommodation, residents will be able to access wrap-around support focused on their social and emotional wellbeing, and their journey toward independence. This may include a range of mental health support services, connection to education, training and employment opportunities, relationship building, financial literacy and other forms of counselling, and cultural and spiritual connections.
For as long as a young person is accommodated with us, this housing is designed to provide them with their own, individual space and a safe place that they can call home. This service will provide young people with the stability and space they need to pursue the future they choose for themselves.